First and foremost you need to know that There are NO fees charged by us until your home is rented? That is huge and a real benefit to you as a homeowner. Just like you, we also keep an eye to your ROI!
The next item we need to explain is the cost of maintenance. This subject is also an area that we feel we excel and make every effort to help you with your costs. When deciding to hire Carolina Living Real Estate to manage your property or any company for that matter, you need to evaluate your need to be involved or not.
‘You may authorize the management company to handle repairs under a certain dollar amount at its discretion, but you’ll still need to authorized bigger, costlier repairs. Your decision as to whether to hire a management firm hinges on just how involved you want to be, and how immediately available you want to make yourself to your tenants.‘
There are many companies that charge an additional fee for handling maintenance requests. Some of the very large companies may have actual staff on payroll to handle maintenance. This has its advantages and disadvantages. You need to ask questions about the fees and determine if bigger is actually better.
Make certain you establish exactly what maintenance services are included with your fees. It may be that when something needs repair, certain labor costs are included with your monthly flat rate or percentage charge (for example, changing out lighting switch plates and replacing faucet handles) while others are billed individually (such as replacing broken windows and installing new sinks). Have a home warranty, Be sure to discuss how the company handles this and what is charges for filing the claim and following up.
Regardless, everything should be clearly discussed. Keep in mind that these fees may require you to increase your rental rate, which could make finding – and keeping – tenants more difficult.
At Your Charlotte Property Management Company we never charge extra for dispatching our maintenance vendors and we never charge extra to manage the Home Warranty process. We believe it is important that you only pay for what the cost of the maintenance that is actually billed. Have your own maintenance contacts? No problem we call them for your problems. The only caveat is that negotiating the cost of the service is between you and your vendor.
If you have specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!